Welcome to Sattvic Journey

We specialize in providing personalized wellness plans/suggestions tailored to your needs

We are educated in Ayurveda an ancient wisdom meeting modern wellness

Sattvic Journey serves all adult populations across the globe who are seeking to improve their quality of health and increase longevity

Sattvic Journey is a passionate wellness consultant company that is committed to serving people from all walks of life who need healthier and happier living.

Our vision is to bring Ayurvedic knowledge into every household worldwide to enrich their health, happiness, and longevity.

“Sattvic journey” refers to a lifestyle or path focused on cultivating sattva, one of the three fundamental qualities or “gunas” in Ayurveda and yoga philosophy. Sattva represents purity, harmony, balance, clarity, and positivity. A Sattvic journey involves practices and choices that promote mental clarity, inner peace, spiritual growth, and overall well-being.

Key Elements of a Sattvic Journey

  1. Sattvic Diet: Eating foods that are fresh, light, and easy to digest, such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, seeds, and dairy products (like milk, ghee, and butter). The focus is on foods that are pure, organic, and prepared with love, which help calm the mind and nourish the body.
  2. Mindfulness and Meditation: Regular meditation and mindfulness practices are central to a sattvic journey. These practices help cultivate inner peace, reduce stress, and enhance self-awareness.
  3. Yoga and Physical Activity: Incorporating yoga, pranayama (breath control), and other gentle forms of exercise promotes physical health, flexibility, and a calm mind.
  4. Positive Thinking and Emotional Balance: Cultivating a positive mindset, practicing gratitude, and avoiding negative thoughts or emotions like anger, jealousy, or fear are integral parts of a sattvic lifestyle.
  5. Simplicity and Minimalism: Embracing simplicity in life choices, such as decluttering one’s environment, limiting material possessions, and focusing on what truly matters, can help foster a state of balance and tranquility.
  6. Service and Compassion: Acts of kindness, compassion, and service to others are seen as ways to elevate one’s consciousness and contribute to the greater good.
  7. Daily Routine (Dinacharya): Following a balanced daily routine that aligns with natural rhythms, including waking up early, practicing self-care rituals, eating meals at regular times, and going to bed early.

A Sattvic journey is highly individualized and can vary based on personal needs, constitution, and life circumstances. It aims to create a balanced, peaceful, and harmonious life.